Hello January. It may be cold outside, but there are still maintenance items you can take care of around your home in January. Check out our list:
- Clear gutters and downspouts. You probably cleaned your gutters of leaves in the fall, but sometimes those trees hang onto their leaves and drop later – pin oaks are a good example. Having your gutters and downspouts clear of debris can help prevent ice building up on your roof.
- Create or update your home inventory. Taking photos or even videos of each room of your house and also its exterior can help save you time should you have a claim.
- Insulate any exposed outdoor pipes can help prevent the pipes from freezing.
- Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. January is a month where you may be using wood heat fireplaces, so testing your detectors is a good idea this time of year.
We wish all of our clients a great January and hope their 2019 is off to a wonderful start!