Snow to a child usually means fun days of no school, allowing you to bundle up, grab a sled, and spend the day having epic frozen adventures with your friends. As an adult on the road, snow can be a bit more ominous, so preparing our vehicles becomes important. Each winter consider this checklist before braving the open road:
- Weight in the trunk or back of truck that has rear-wheel drive – Weight will keep your vehicle from fishtailing on the road. Regardless of the vehicle, the right conditions can cause any car, SUV, or truck to fishtail on an icy road. You can utilize any manner of heavy junk to help alleviate this issue from a cast iron grill, kitty litter (which can help in other ways), bricks, sand bags, etc.
- Kitty litter – In the event you get stuck and there is no one around to help unstick you, kitty litter around the tires is great for getting the traction you need to get back on the road quickly. You can also use sand, cardboard, an old blanket, etc.
- Snacks – granola bars, jerky, protein or energy bars, something to sustain you if you have to wait a while for help to arrive. These snacks will come in handy especially if there are children in the car.
- Change of clothes – In the event you do get stuck, you are most likely going to get wet getting yourself unstuck or at least attempting to. You will want a change of clothes because sitting in wet clothes can slow your body from becoming warm and possibly lead to hypothermia. Along with a change of clothes, you may want to have winter accessories such as boots, hat, and gloves. Chances are you’ll get stuck when you’re not dressed for getting out into the mud and snow.
- Tow strap – Even if you own a small car, a truck may come along to help and they may not have the strap to save you. Better to be prepared to assist in your own rescue.
- Hand warmers – Hand warmers are quite inexpensive and can keep your hands (or toes) warm for several hours.
There are plenty of other good ideas to have in your car in the winter. Some honorable mentions would be a blanket, a physical map, a tire-pressure gauge (which should always be there no matter the season), spare fluids, and utility knife. Do you have any ideas for winter car necessities? Let us know!